Tooth Extractions – Jersey City, NJ

Tooth Removal Can Be Simple & Comfortable

Man after tooth extraction in Jersey City

Dental extractions became necessary when a tooth is badly decayed and/or has suffered enough trauma that the patient would be better off health-wise to have a tooth removed entirely. Our dentistry team only performs this procedure when there is no chance of restoring the tooth, and we go above and beyond to offer simple and stress-free tooth extractions for Jersey City dental patients provided by our trusted emergency dentist.

Why Choose AV Dental Associates of Jersey City for Tooth Extractions?

  • State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Technology
  • Highly Skilled & Passionate Dentist
  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Woman with tooth pain in Jersey City

Here are some reasons why teeth may need to be extracted:

  • Overcrowded mouth – Sometimes, pulling one or more teeth is necessary to properly treat other crooked and/or overcrowded teeth. Orthodontic treatment involves aligning teeth properly, which might not be possible if you have too many teeth or if your teeth are too large for the shape of your mouth. Some teeth are also removed because they aren’t able to properly erupt through the gumline due to a lack of viable space.
  • Serious infection – If dental decay grows so serious that it reaches the pulp (which is located at the center of the tooth and contains its nerves/blood vessels), infection-causing bacteria can grow. While this issue can usually be corrected by root canal therapy, severe infections may only be treatable through extraction to prevent harm to nearby teeth.
  • High risk of infection – If a patient’s immune system has become seriously compromised by health problems, we may recommend the extraction of a tooth in order to prevent even the risk of infection.
  • Advanced periodontal (gum) disease – When gum disease becomes advanced enough, it may cause the teeth to loosen, which will lead to the need for an extraction.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Tooth extraction in Jersey City

The removal of a tooth often means a patient will need a simple or surgical procedure. After administering local anesthesia to numb the area and eliminate the potential for any pain, our team will begin the process of removing the tooth. If it has partially erupted and only a visible portion is above the gumline, we will use specialized dental instruments to gently move the tooth back and forth until it detaches and is safely removed.

If the tooth is impacted, however, we will need to make a small incision in the gums before carefully removing the tooth in sections. This will allow for a more seamless and successful extraction, avoiding healthy tooth structures nearby.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman smiling in Jersey City

Before removing any teeth, a dentist in Jersey City will provide a local anesthetic to ensure the patient’s comfort, especially if we will be removing multiple teeth. Stitches may be necessary after the tooth/teeth have been successfully extracted. In most cases, the recovery period from an extracted tooth lasts just a few days.

We recommend the following:

  • Take painkillers as prescribed to manage possible discomfort.
  • Rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling. Mixing 1 tsp of salt in a medium-sized glass with 8 oz. of warm water can help.
  • Do not smoke or use tobacco products.
  • Avoid using a straw to sip beverages, and do not rinse vigorously, as you can dislodge a blood clot and cause a dry socket.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene while being mindful of surgical areas.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

Woman using a calculator

Having a tooth extracted is never your dentist’s first choice. However, sometimes one is needed to keep the rest of your smile healthy. One thing that you should consider ahead of time is the cost of your extraction. We won’t be able to tell you the exact cost of your procedure until you see us in person, but here are some things for you to take into account in the meantime.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

Tooth being held by dental forceps

During your appointment with us, we will closely examine your smile and determine whether an extraction is necessary. If one is needed, here are some of the main factors that can contribute to the cost of your extraction:

  • Number of Teeth: If you need more than one tooth extracted, the cost will be higher.
  • Difficulty of Extraction: If your extraction is more challenging and takes longer to perform, this will affect the cost.
  • Tooth Replacement: In many cases, the extracted tooth should be replaced to prevent further issues. During your appointment with us, we can discuss tooth replacement options and put together a treatment plan to meet your needs.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

Dental insurance form

It is common for dental insurance to cover about half the cost of tooth extractions after the deductible has been met. However, there may be limits in place that only cover a certain number of teeth or a waiting period before the coverage kicks in. Every plan is different, so it’s important to confirm with your insurance company ahead of time. Our team is also happy to help you with this process. At AV Dental Associates of Jersey City, we welcome many popular PPO insurance plans.

Other Options for Making Tooth Extractions Affordable

Membership plan keys on a keyboard

If you don’t have dental insurance, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be left completely on your own. We offer a 5% discount on all advanced payments made prior to the scheduled treatment date. With our AV Dental Discount Plan, members can save 20% on extractions and other treatments completed at our practice. We also work with CareCredit – a third-party financing company that can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest. To learn more about your financing options, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our friendly team members.

To find out exactly how much you can expect your treatment to cost, schedule an appointment with us. We are eager to restore your smile to health!

Tooth Extraction FAQs

dentist smiling while talking to patients

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

No, getting a tooth extracted doesn't have to hurt! Before the procedure, your mouth will be numbed, so you shouldn’t feel a thing. Post-treatment discomfort and soreness are expected, but following your aftercare instructions helps prevent infection and speed up the healing process. If your pain worsens, or you suspect an infection, contact our dental team promptly for assistance.

What’s Recovery for Tooth Extractions Like?

Recovering from a tooth extraction involves carefully following essential aftercare instructions. Rest is crucial, and caring for the blood clot in the extraction site is a priority to avoid complications like dry socket. Keep your mouth clean by rinsing with saltwater, brushing, and flossing after three days (once approved by your dentist). Change gauze as needed, avoid smoking, opt for soft foods, and use cold compresses. Pain relievers, as recommended, can help. Expect to feel better around the 3-day mark, but the healing process from patient to patient.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

You can leave the space empty after a tooth extraction, but it's not recommended. Even if the pulled tooth is in the back and not visible, missing teeth can impact chewing, nutrition, and even speech. One missing back tooth can make chewing difficult, affecting your diet and digestion. Similarly, a missing front tooth can cause a lisp. It's advised to schedule a post-healing appointment with your dentist to explore tooth replacement options that suit your needs.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

No, you should not smoke immediately after getting a tooth extracted. Smoking, including cigars, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes, can slow down the healing process. It's strongly recommended to abstain from smoking for at least five days after the extraction. If possible, avoiding smoking for two weeks is even better. If you've had challenges quitting, speak to your dentist – they're here to help, not judge. Discussing it with your dentist can help you prepare in advance for a smoother recovery.